Friday 27 November 2015

What you need to do

You need to blog 4 short films under the headings of

Camera work




The films you blog about will be part of your research evidence.  You must do About a Girl and then choose three others

Secondly start to plan your short film using your booklet or a scrapbook available from the College shop pound shop etc. 

Next week we will be planning and I will be showing you more films.  By the end of next week a synopsis should be written

Monday 23 November 2015

Short Film Assignment



These are the deadlines that you will be expected to stick to for your filming assignment

Can you paste these into your blog set up reminders on your Outlook Calendar or in your phone

BTEC Media L3
Assignment 2 Deadlines

23 November
Synopsis/Treatment/Development of ideas/Blogs/Short film analysis

30 November
Short film analysis/blogs/Storyboard/Ideas/Short film analysis

7 December
Storyboard/Shot lists/short film analysis
Introduce next assignment Editing Magazine/Article

14 December
Storyboard/Risk Assessment/Shooting over Christmas

4 Jan
Shooting/ Editing Assignment

11 Jan
Shooting/Editing Assignment

18 Jan
Shooting completed/Editing Assignment

23 Jan
All films completed. 

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Assignment 2



Next week I will be introducing the new Assignment which will be a short film to be produced individually.  With this in mind can you start getting down some ideas of the type of film you would like to make

By all means come and speak to me about it


Thursday 5 November 2015

Assignment 1

Block 4

You have had your assignment set from Dan.   We will be going through this again on Monday and I will be exploring some ways of presenting your work.  Can you all make sure you have logged into the new Office 365 email system before Monday.

Block 5 

You will receive the assignment in tomorrows lesson.  You will then be given time to work on it.

Can I ask all students to make sure their blog is up to date.
Camera Angles
Silent Green Screen

Featured post

Assignment LA A

  Assignment 1 will be set today below are links to previous students work there are examples of M/D/P clearly do not copy their examples.  ...