Wednesday 24 October 2018


Well done to those of you who got Assignment done on time I am in the process of going through them.  There are some incidences of plagiarism so please do act on this if you have got a comment from me.  Remember all work should be your own if it is not then change it asap.  There are still a couple of pieces not finished we will discuss this on Tuesday

You should now be working on your Pre Production ready to discuss next week remember everything needs to go into your Production Diary

Wednesday 17 October 2018


Deadline for Assignment 1 Friday 19th @ midnight

Good to hear your synopsis this week can you focus on PreProduction next week over half term.  When we return we can go through the paperwork and then you can start shooting however do make a start if you are in a position to do so.
Things to make a start on
Research into similar films
Photographs sketches of models/sets
Audio planning
BBFC audience profile
Character biography

Friday 12 October 2018


I originally asked for your synopsis today.  I am going to postpone this until Tuesday 16th when I want to see your synopsis in your production diary.  You may wish to start your treatment (see Moodle) in preparation for filming over half term this also must go in your diary with a copy of the brief

Friday 5 October 2018

Assignment 2

You have now all been briefed on Assignment 2

Deadlines Assignment 1 19 October by midnight

Assignment 2/3 9/11 final animation posted on your blog by midnight

After reading some of the blogs over the weekend be careful not to just cut and paste

Ensure you read the briefs in detail not all criteria will be relevant to your film just pick the ones that are.  Use your Production Diary to record all ideas sketches photographs research and mind maps

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Assignment LA A

  Assignment 1 will be set today below are links to previous students work there are examples of M/D/P clearly do not copy their examples.  ...