Wednesday 27 January 2021

Assignment LA A


Assignment 1 will be set today below are links to previous students work there are examples of M/D/P clearly do not copy their examples.  You need to meet each criteria in the Assignment brief address each area as posts on your blog.  Finishing with close analysis of Single Camera Productions 

LA A from the Specification 

Remember to check your work for spelling grammar and use of capitals prior to handing in.

Examples of past Student work to help with LA A Single Camera all single camera posts are in Feb/March


You will also find a Checklist of what must be included in your assignment LA A on Moodle 

Friday 22 January 2021



Please ensure that your shot research and analysis of Atonement is on your blog by 4pm today 

Thursday 14 January 2021

Shot type research

 Hi All

Please add your shot type research onto your blog with examples ready for tomorrows lesson

Shot reverse shot

180 degree rule

Match on action

Brief analysis of  Dunkirk Beach Scene

Wednesday 13 January 2021

Blog Set up

 Hopefully you have set up your blog 

The next thing to do is to link to mine so I can check progress

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Assignment LA A

  Assignment 1 will be set today below are links to previous students work there are examples of M/D/P clearly do not copy their examples.  ...