Thursday 17 September 2015

Creative Media Filming task Homework

Filming Exercise

L3 Creative Media 

For this homework you have a week to film a short piece on the theme of Home

This does not have to be your home it could be where your bike lives, next door, the allotment your sports teams home, in fact anywhere that anyone anything could call home. NB I am not looking for three minutes of footage from your room. Be creative an interesting.

This must be filmed and edited in the suite this week and uploaded onto your blog by Friday 25 for Blk 5 or Monday 28 for Blk 4 so we can see them in the lesson.

As for your blogs make sure you have put my email into your follow by email gadget
Then add My blog list from add a gadget and put in the address of this blog

By all means change the design and templates but please keep it clean

Any problems see me


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