Tuesday 13 December 2016


Image result for bleed for this

All of you should be filming this week if not then working on your booklets/planning

Wednesday 30 November 2016

This Week

Image result for i am bolt

You now should have completed your synopsis and your initial planning.

Some of you need far more evidence of planning in your booklets.

This week you should be Storyboarding and then preparing to shoot next week.  If you are shooting next week I want to see your Storyboards prior to you shooting.

Wednesday 23 November 2016

This Week

Image result for allied film

Have you got your Scrapbook yet ?

By Friday your synopsis should be completed 25/11

On Friday we are going to start looking at the Broadcast cameras and do some work with them

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Short Films Interim Deadlines

Image result for rogue 1

Synopsis due 25/11/16

WB 28 /November Storyboards

Thursday 15 December Interim Deadline 1st screening of rough cut

Jan 6th 2017 Deadline for finished film

Dont forget to get a planning book

Friday 11 November 2016

Next week

Image result for Dr strange

All four researched films should be finished by Friday 18th

Deadline for short film will be the week after the Christmas Holiday Friday 6 January 2017.

Tuesday 8 November 2016


Image result for street cat named Bob

You should now all be blogging your short films 4 in total to include

  • About a Girl
  • Signs
You may choose the other two make sure they are no longer than 5 mins and do not forget to use the four technical areas and a summative comment at the end

Friday 4 November 2016

Deadline Today

Single Camera
Image result for current films

You should have completed your Prezi by 4 oclock today

I will be collecting your coversheets which we will do in the lesson

Dont forget that you need to continue your analysis of About a Girl

Tuesday 18 October 2016

This week

Image result for mrs peregrine home for peculiar children

Half term at the end of the week

Silent films need to be completed by our lesson on Thursday

Continue working on Assignment 1 over half term deadline is 4 November at Lunchtime

I will show you how to submit the work when we get back

Friday 7 October 2016



1 Explain in detail what a single camera production is and give three examples of Single Camera Productions.

2  Explain the difference with examples between single and Multi Camera Productions (with examples)

3  Explain what the 180 degree rule is

4  Advantages and Disadvantages of each method of production

Deadline 1 Week

Do not just Google for an answer you need it to be in the context of Media Studies

Friday 30 September 2016


Please make sure all editing terms are on your blog

You will also put your introduction to College film on the blog

Silent Film Brief

·         You will produce a 3 minute silent film
·         Your finished film must include titles and audio
·         You may work in any genre
·         Maximum of 3 in a group
·         You must submit a Storyboard for your film
·         You must include a variety of shot types and camera movement
·         Tripod must be used
·         You do not have to appear in the film
·         You must edit in College
To help you get started

·         What is the story about?
·         Genre?
·         How will the story be told without dialogue?
·         Where is it set?
·         Who are the characters in the story?
·         What is the problem/disruption?
·         How is it resolved?

Deadline  Tuesday 18 October in the lesson


Friday 23 September 2016


This is where I will publish all sorts of material that will help your L3 Media course

Make sure that you sign up to my blog


Site for all your L3 materials make sure you sign up to the blog in the box on the right

Monday 4 July 2016

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Week beginning 27 June

This week after/during/before work shadowing you should be filming your Music Video, there are still some students that need to post their Storyboards on their blogs, please make sure this is done asap.

Remember that we have the Green Screen set up so see Mat/Sophie if you want to book that or need help.

Try to aim for the films to be finished by 4 on 1 July however I am willing to extend this to Monday 4 July we can then watch the products during our next lesson and finish off

Any questions mail/come and find me

Monday 20 June 2016

Week Beginning 20 June

By your second lesson this week you should have posted your three researched films and posted your lyrics.  This will allow you to post storyboards after which you can start shooting.

Storyboards are available in GF04 on my desk remember I am looking for the link between Music and Lyrics in the footage you shoot.

Check out the use of these dancers in the clip below

As you are work shadowing next Monday Tuesday Wednesday I expect the rest of the lessons that week to be used for filming. Ready to edit the week after

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Music Video Assignment

Copy of Assignment Brief is on Moodle

BTEC 4 Deadline for initial research and final decision on track to be used Monday 20 June

BTEC 5 Deadline for initial research and final decision on track to be used Wednesday 22 June

If you have selected your song you must publish the lyrics on your blog by the date above.  Prior to shooting you must go through your storyboard with me (dont forget the relationship between music and lyrics)

Monday 25 January 2016



Deadline for your short film is Friday 29 January

Your film must be places in the Completed folder in the relevant block

Any problems see me or Dan

Friday 8 January 2016

Filming Deadline


Deadline for you short film will be Friday 29 January.
All elements of the Assignment should be completed and your final film in the completed folder by 4 and you logbook handed in to the editing suite 

You are not expected to have an account of the filming/editing process on your blog.

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Assignment LA A

  Assignment 1 will be set today below are links to previous students work there are examples of M/D/P clearly do not copy their examples.  ...