Friday 30 September 2016


Please make sure all editing terms are on your blog

You will also put your introduction to College film on the blog

Silent Film Brief

·         You will produce a 3 minute silent film
·         Your finished film must include titles and audio
·         You may work in any genre
·         Maximum of 3 in a group
·         You must submit a Storyboard for your film
·         You must include a variety of shot types and camera movement
·         Tripod must be used
·         You do not have to appear in the film
·         You must edit in College
To help you get started

·         What is the story about?
·         Genre?
·         How will the story be told without dialogue?
·         Where is it set?
·         Who are the characters in the story?
·         What is the problem/disruption?
·         How is it resolved?

Deadline  Tuesday 18 October in the lesson


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